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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

First Review...........

For my first review I thought I would review something that I know I am addicted to!! And that addiction is.............FAKE TAN!!!.........The very best self tanner I have found has got to be St Moriz, Self tanning mousse!  There isn't a single thing I do not love about this product, from the amount you get to the smell, to the price!! It's also an amzing dupe for St Tropez and when it's £17 cheaper and you get 100ml more you can't go wrong!!!!
No matter how amazing I think the product is I need to be fair and some of the cons that I have come across is that some people say when it fades it left them looking scaly? Personally this hasn't happened to me and the only reason why I dont think it has is because I constantly moisturise (with Palmers Cocoa Butter). Also the colour can fade quite quickly through out the week which can make the up keep a bit of a pain.
I first started my addiction with the normal colour and I have now moved on to the dark! It's such an amazing product.....the colour hasn't got any sort of orange to it and goes a lovely golden brown. It smells soapy too, instead that awful wet dog, biscuity smell you get with a lot of other self tanners and it's a very fluffy, light mousse.
If I have a special occasion coming I apply this every night, after the shower, before I go to bed, to make sure I get the darkest tan I can.  You can pick this product up online and in a lot of the cheaper drug stores. I get mine from the local drug store called Savers for around £2.99 for a 200ml bottle (7.04 fl.oz)
The product applies like an instant tan so you know exactly where you have applied which makes the application even easier!!
To get the best out of this product  make sure you have showered, exfoliated and moisturised, making sure you pay extra attention to your ankles, knees, elbows and the under arm area. Then apply three pumps to a tanning  mit (which you can also pick up in Savers for about £0.99) then apply in upward and circular stokes making sure you have applied the product evenly.  It always helps to get an extra person to help you with your back, I find mum or boyfriend are normally the best candidates :)
Then allow to dry which is pretty much no time at all, which is another plus point! :)
I always apply this product before I go to bed, so that it develops while I sleep, then I can shower off in the morning and then be left  like I've just got back from a holiday abroad! But if you prefer to apply it in the morning, you won't need to wait much longer then 2mins to get dressed.
I would definitely recommend this product and I can not see me switching to another any time soon!!! :)
So overall I would rate this product a 9/10 not a 10 mainly because of the problem some of you  may have trying to locate it, I am lucky because there is a Savers on my local high street, but some of you might not be so lucky and may have to order on line, which can put the price up slightly. Two other places you can purchase it are;
  • for £4.99
  • for £2.99

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


So here is my first ever blog!......In an ideal world i would be sat in front of a camera on you tube, but the thought of sitting there talking to myself makes me feel slightly uncomfortable, so i feel this would be a much better way for me to give my opinions on make up, clothes etc. So be ready for hauls, product reviews and lots of other girly stuff :)  Make sure to follow to stay up to date with all the new posts and mo nthly faviroutes!!!